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16.8438 kB
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16.8438 kB
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16.8438 kB
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0.009741 s
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0.008851 s
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0.004762 s
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0.009515 s
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0.006789 s
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0.011631 s
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0.005320 s
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16.6094 kB
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16.6094 kB
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SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `yc4_users` (1)
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0.018900 s
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0.004401 s
0.008803 s
25.0469 kB
25.0469 kB
25.0469 kB
50.0938 kB
SELECT `yc4_category`.`id_category` AS `id_category`, `yc4_category`.`name` AS `name`, `yc4_category`.`order` AS `order`, `yc4_category`.`created` AS `created`, `yc4_category`.`id_category_parent` AS `id_category_parent`, `yc4_category`.`parent_deep` AS `parent_deep`, `yc4_category`.`seoname` AS `seoname`, `yc4_category`.`description` AS `description`, `yc4_category`.`icon_font` AS `icon_font`, `yc4_category`.`price` AS `price`, `yc4_category`.`last_modified` AS `last_modified`, `yc4_category`.`has_image` AS `has_image`, `yc4_category`.`translations` AS `translations` FROM `yc4_categories` AS `yc4_category` WHERE `id_category_parent` = 1 ORDER BY `order` ASC (1)
0.006517 s
0.006517 s
0.006517 s
0.006517 s
25.0469 kB
25.0469 kB
25.0469 kB
25.0469 kB
SELECT `yc4_c`.`id_category`, COUNT("a.id_ad") AS `count` FROM `yc4_categories` AS `yc4_c` JOIN `yc4_ads` AS `yc4_a` USING (`id_category`) WHERE `yc4_a`.`id_category` = yc4_c.id_category AND IF(0 <> 0, DATE_ADD( published, INTERVAL 0 DAY), DATE_ADD( NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)) > '2024-09-17 18:23:56' AND `yc4_a`.`status` = 1 GROUP BY `yc4_c`.`id_category` ORDER BY `yc4_c`.`order` ASC (1)
0.675679 s
0.675679 s
0.675679 s
0.675679 s
17.5156 kB
17.5156 kB
17.5156 kB
17.5156 kB
Kohana 0.012431 s
40.4766 kB
Benchmark Min Max Gemiddeld Totaal
find_file (224)
0.000004 s
0.000629 s
0.000055 s
0.012431 s
-0.0391 kB
8.0938 kB
0.1807 kB
40.4766 kB
Requests 3.943567 s
3,584.1328 kB
Benchmark Min Max Gemiddeld Totaal
"alle" (1)
3.944956 s
3.944956 s
3.944956 s
3.944956 s
3,684.2500 kB
3,684.2500 kB
3,684.2500 kB
3,684.2500 kB
Uitvoering Toepassing (1) 4.037828 s 4.037828 s 4.037828 s 4.037828 s
5,941.6094 kB 5,941.6094 kB 5,941.6094 kB 5,941.6094 kB


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